About Me

Since childhood I’ve loved creating homes and spaces. Be it from building blocks and samples from the homes my parents built, drawings on paper, or creating outdoor spaces from branches and leaves. I’ve always been intrigued by a sense of space. Meaningful design and comfortable spaces enhance every facet of our lives. I love studying how people interact between the different spaces in their homes. What happens where- Incorporating sentimental collections and furnishings provide such a comfort when a possible new area, home, and phase of life is involved. I also love adding unexpected touches that make beloved belongings feel fresh and new. It all starts with a dream and a conversation. It would be a privilege to consult with you on your upcoming project-

2020- First Place Hospitality Furniture Or Specialty Cabinetry (Champion Hills Clubhouse Bar Renovation)
2020- Second Place Hospitality (Champion Hills Clubhouse Renovation)
2021- First Place Residential Kitchen (Rana Nordmeyer Residential Renovation)
2021- First Place Residential Bathroom (Rana Nordmeyer Residential Renovation)
2021- First Place Residential Under 3500 SQ FT (Rana Nordmeyer Renovation)
2023- Silver Residential Renovation Under 3500 SQ FT (Salmanson Robinson Renovation)
2023- Gold Residential Renovation Outdoor Space    (Callison Lake Toxaway Renovation)

Betsy Edwards

Interior architectural designer Betsy Edwards approaches her work like an anthropologist — unearthing a client’s lifestyle, tastes, and preferences — and creates beautiful spaces as a result of peeling back these subjective layers. Lots of world travel, courtesy of design work for world-class resorts, brought Edwards into contact with diverse cultures, aesthetics, and people.

Based in Flat Rock & Wilmington, Edwards infuses her design philosophy with a healthy mix of practicality and no-holds-barred joy as she transforms spaces, including deftly adapting objects for creative reuse. Here, she talks about the value of research (balanced always with gut instinct).